Starting from:


Wealth Creator Set

Each sigil is programmed and provides energies to optimize earning potential.
The names pretty much says what they are for and those with ambiguity will have a short description.
The sigils are to be used in combinations and works in concert, for the best results.
Sigils only need to be carried, the example for how to combine them are to follow.

Attain Material Wealth
Business Success
Banish Poverty - The name is a little misleading, this is a protection sigil to prevent financial losses.
Job Success - Success at work, also applies if you run your own business
Trading Success

Combination Examples
For Entrepreneurs - Business Success, Attain Material Wealth, Job Success, Banish Poverty.
For Traders - Trading Success, Business Success, Attain Material Wealth, Job Success, Banish Poverty.
For Workers - Attain Material Wealth, Job Success, Banish Poverty.
For General Use - Attain Material Wealth, Banish Poverty.

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